Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pencil Pouches

My oldest child begins school in a week. (A week! School should not start in August in New England. Our summers are short enough! It goes against everything right and natural.) His supply list includes "A SMALL zippered 'pencil' bag for personal effects (please, no pencil 'boxes')."

Well, obviously I was sewing that. Zippers? Pouches? Yes, please.

I was looking for standard camouflage fabric, either jungle or desert, simply because he's a ten-year-old boy and likes that sort of thing even though he is the biggest pacifist I know at heart. But I couldn't find green or tan, and so settled for this blue, which my daughter said looked like clouds on the ocean. (I won't tell the boys that.) And of course I made two, because even though my younger son will be homeschooling, who doesn't like a new pencil pouch? I plan to make some out of different fabric for my daughter and myself, too.

I used 8" zippers for these. I have one I made with a 7" zipper, and that opening is just a little too short for a new, sharpened pencil. Both stores I looked in skipped from 7" to 9" zippers, so I ordered from Zipit Zippers again. Such a huge selection, and the orders come super quick.

I lined these with denim, to give it some sturdiness.

I was actually hoping to find some boy-appropriate upholstery fabric, because these pouches are sturdy without being bulky, but I couldn't. (I did, however, find a purple and green version of the same fabric those pouches are made from, so I bought a yard.) The denim lining does make it a little bulky, but a pencil isn't going to poke through it, either.

Alas, that was the only thing on his supply list I could make myself, but at least I'm sending along something handmade in his backpack. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes here with one in school and two at home.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Good luck! I'm curious to hear how it works out. Sometimes it is hard doing both regular school and homeschooling.

Love those pouches!

Shell said...

Little L starts school in less than a fortnight .. Hardly any of her uniform fits, even the age 3/4yr swamps her and has had to be taken up. I have a stock of Little L's uniform here,bought from various shops,apparently all the same size.(some dresses may fit when Little L is about 6yrs)
The only handmade thing I have made for Little L is a keyring to put on her book bag . and there is no way that bugger is going to come off ! ..

Victoria said...

Those pouches are great!

Out of curiosity, why no pencil boxes allowed? Is there some finger-pinching hazard or something equally inane? (I've been reading too much Free Range Kids...)

Donna Lee said...

The pouches are perfect. There's a part of you/home going in with him every day.

School has started around here in the Charter Schools already. The regular schools have another 10 days or so. Summer surely rushed right by.

Jill said...

I want to know, too, Victoria. Or is it the noise? And -- personal effects? What? Good luck. I can't even think about school yet. I know we'll move, wake up and there it'll be -- 180 days of school -- and none of us will be prepared.

Cameron said...

You're getting really good at these pouches! So cute!

I know what you mean about school in August. Maggie started on the 8th...of AUGUST! That's just insane to me. They can't go out to play because it is over a 100 degrees most days. When it hits 99, they can....but who wants to play when it is 99 degrees?!


lamina@do a bit said...

They look great! Love the camoflarge fabric... great for boys!

Karen Isaacson said...

no kidding - what ever happened to the Tuesday after Labor Day like when we were growing up? we are trying very hard to not get bummed out over here. groovy little pencil cases!