Thursday, March 15, 2012

Creative Space: 4x6 Exchange

So I signed up for the Arthouse Co-op's 4x6 art exchange, but it's making me sort of stressy, I think because when I signed up instead of "name" in the name box, it said "artist." I nearly closed the browser tab right then. But I didn't. So I need to come up with "art," versus those fun loose postcards that might be called mail art by some but Hanna gave it the way less stressy name of "DIY Postcard Swap" (and by the way, that link goes to the post with the links to everyone's postcards and they are amazing).

I think I should put my head away, really, and just have fun with this, but in the meantime, I tried to make a small watercolor painting instead. Remember the skunk cabbage from yesterday?  I sketched it a bit while we were walking, and then tried to paint it, using the sketches and the photo as guides.

After I took that photo, I added in some highlights that are probably completely unnoticeable, using white conte crayon.

I don't know, technically, this has problems, although it does look like skunk cabbage, if you know what skunk cabbage looks like. (My daughter, when shown this, id'd it right away. That's my girl!!) I haven't decided if this is worthy of an "art" swap. Maybe I should take another approach--printmaking, maybe, or collage, or even sewing. (A local gallery is holding a postcard fundraiser, with submissions due later in April...I've got something sewn in mind for that.)

The more I look at it, the more I'm thinking no. What do you think?

Linking up with our creative spaces...


Jill said...

Stop. Thinking. A name is just a word. What are you trying to teach your kids? They are artists. Duh. You are an artist. This is art. Besides, the colors are lovely and graceful and the cabbage has movement, like it's growing right there on the page. But what do I know? I think Oxymandias is just crooked. Love.

Karen Isaacson said...

Ha - I signed up for the 4x6 too! and I haven't started to freak out (yet) since I still have LOADS of time to make it (says the champion procrastinator). the skunk cabbages in the swamp behind my house look just like your lovely painting. and the spring peepers have started their annual chorus. (loved the pics you shared yesterday!) - Karen

Donna Lee said...

I don't know that I've ever seen skunk cabbage so I'm not a judge of your picture's accuracy. BUT, I like how it looks and how it feels when I look at it.

And you, my dear, are an artist. Just because no one pays you to do it doesn't make it valid.

Michelle said...

Say it with me now . . .
I am an artist.

You are.
By that fact alone, anything you create is art.

And this, my friend, like everything else I have seen made by you, is beautiful.

You seem to be enjoying the process, so if you want to try a bunch of different things and pick the best, go for it! Just don't get hung up on the word. I'm with Jill. Think about what you would tell your kids if that word scared them.

Wendy said...

Checking artist would scare the patooty out of me too! I got your postcard in the mail yesterday from the iHanna swap - my first one! It made me so happy! Awesome, thank you so much!

Bells said...

based on the photo you posted last week (and I'm going to google SC soon too, to get a better look) I say that's exactly what it looks like in an impressionistic sort of way.

I really, really like it. do it.

Bells said...

based on the photo you posted last week (and I'm going to google SC soon too, to get a better look) I say that's exactly what it looks like in an impressionistic sort of way.

I really, really like it. do it.