Sunday, March 3, 2013


I feel I've been neglecting this space! My ongoing crafty project, though, isn't too interesting to blog about. I'm still working on my sweater--I'm ready to begin the bottom ribbing.

Beyond that, I've been taking Diane's e-book class (highly recommended, if you're interested at all in that sort of thing), planning a map-making/sense of place class for ages 6-9 for our spring session of homeschool co-op, and working on a new series at my other blog, aimed at encouraging and mentoring adults to create a family art habit. It's called Art Together, and I'm pretty excited about it.

Actually, I'm excited about all of those things. I'm less than excited about all the international travel my husband has coming up; he's leaving for Thailand at the end of this week. I managed to schedule a day for myself before he leaves again though. I'll be back later this week to report on it.

Happy March, y'all.

1 comment:

Donna Lee said...

Thailand! That's a trip. Make sure it's a good day you planned for yourself.

Feb flew by so fast I think I missed most of it. I haven't done any spinning for my sweater and I was so excited to get that done. I think once it gets warm enough to get outside, I will sit in the sun and spin away.