Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Guest Poetry Post: Michelle

Michelle is another of my close, long-term blog-friends. Emails fly back and forth between Rhode Island and Louisiana; she's an integral part of my support system, even though we've never met in person. (Why is that? We need to work on that.)  I love that the poem she chose to share so perfectly reflects our shared habit of worrying a bit too much.

We all know of Ralph Waldo Emerson the Transcendentalist lecturer and essayist (of whom I'm a fan, most days), but Emerson the poet is less well known. I must admit, I can see why. But there is one little gem that I am always drawn to. It's a simple quatrain (four line stanza with a rhyming pattern), which appeals to my short attention span. Any time I'm feeling particularly anxious (particularly on...days that end in -y ?), I can read this poem and, while I feel I should be so darn angry at it for mocking me...I smile anyway. I think I might have to place this one on the cover of my planner or frame it above my desk.

Borrowing: From the French
by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some of the hurts you have cured,
And the sharpest you still have survived,
But what torments of grief you endured
From evils which never arrived!

Don't forget that tomorrow is Poem in Your Pocket Day! And I'll be hosting a modest little give-away to celebrate one year of blogging in this particular space.

1 comment:

Bells said...

wow. That's quite amazing and thought provoking. It just left me sitting here grasping for something to say but there's almost too much to say! Thank you Michelle.